Daf Yomi with Rabbi Yaakov Nagel

Daf Yomi with Rabbi Yaakov Nagel

Latest Episodes

Bava Basra 30
July 25, 2024

What are you doing in this house?

Chazara Bava Basra 29
July 25, 2024

Three full years

Bava Basra 29
July 24, 2024

Keeping records

Chazara Bava Basra 28
July 24, 2024

The goring ox

Bava Basra 28
July 23, 2024

Three years

Chazara Bava Basra 27
July 23, 2024

Overhanging trees

Bava Basra 27
July 22, 2024

The conditions of Yehoshua

Chazara Bava Basra 26
July 22, 2024

Sixteen cubits

Bava Basra 26
July 21, 2024

The tree and the pit

Chazara Bava Basra 25
July 21, 2024

The different winds