Oh Snaps!

Oh Snaps!

Oh Snaps Ep. 1: Unicorns and Other Random S#!+

September 24, 2015

Oh Snaps! Episode 1: Unicorn and Other Random Shit is hosted by @TamikaDenise and feat. Kali and Code Names Nicole #1 and #2 focuses on blah, blah, blah, BLAH... :)

Whether it be in person, FT, or on the phone... Oh Snaps Host @tamikadenise, is bringing you that 100% ADHD comedy. #OhSnapsPodcast will be on _____________. Stay Tuned!

If you want to be apart of Oh Snaps! Leave an email at OhSnaps.Booking@gmail.com and your YouTube channel. Maybe you too can be apart of the #OhSnapsCrew and be regularly featured on #OhSnapsPodcast... If you want to write us some mail of some sort... Like I love you, I hate you, Please do more of, We kinda like you or whatever... Send an email to wekindalikedohsnaps@gmail.com!

Happy Listening!

Peace, love, and Sooooooooul Train Line.

Tamika Denise