Our Favorite Albums

Our Favorite Albums

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The Killers – Hot Fuss (2004)
July 15, 2021

For a Las Vegas band, it would be difficult to get noticed with the audacious spectacle of Sin City. The Killers, however, had their sights focused on superstardom and they achieved it on their debut

King’s X – Dogman (1994)
January 11, 2021

Ep 11 - King's X - Dogman (1994) King's X - Dogman (1994) Four albums in, the members of Kings X felt like their career wasnt going like it should, and they were looking for their

Bonus Episode – Top 12 Albums of 2020
December 31, 2020

Our 12 Favorite Albums of 2020 2020 may have sucked, but at least the tunes were good.   We run down our 12 favorite albums from our least favorite year. Listen choose your favorite podcast platform

Bruce Springsteen – Nebraska (1982)
November 15, 2020

In 1981, The Boss asked one of his roadies to find a tape player that he could mess around with some songs in his house. He ended up making what I consider to be his finest album that went to #3 on the charts for that year, is considered one of the greate

Bonus Episode Guide 01: Live – I Alone
October 12, 2020

Take a jaunt with us into one of the songs that barely missed the cut for one of our final favorite 10 songs list. While you are here, get a little bit of Dallas, Texas, radio history along the way. Grunge! 90s! Mayhem! Prozac!  

Midnight Oil – Diesel And Dust (1987)
July 07, 2020

Ep 12 - The Turnpike Troubadours Midnight Oil - Diesel and Dust (1987) In the mid 80’s, the US became infatuated with a continent a half a world away on the exact opposite side of the globe. At the dawning of the MTV generation,
