Of Or Pertaining To

Of Or Pertaining To

OOPT 46th President Part 5

March 14, 2020

It's the final round of the 46th President! Bob, who was so rudely treated in the third round, has a shot at vengeance as he conducts the end of the game with his signature flair for delivering such random definitions as "a pert bulge of undulating tissue-milpings". This is the episode where we learn who won the game, and what that winner decides to name the next game! You get to hear all that you lucky tissue-milping, you!

We are aware of the sound issues on this episode and are working diligently to remedy them. At least, if you consider this disclaimer an example of us working to remedy them. They're still there. They'll always be there. Why don't you give us a break for once it's not like anyone is paying us OMG.