Think Change

Think Change

Latest Episodes

Think Change episode 16: what can we expect in 2023 and beyond?
December 15, 2022

This final episode of 2022 reflects on the year that has just been and looks ahead to 2023.It has been a year of major and often cascading crises. Many have been covered on this podcast, from the war in Ukraine and its spill over effects, to other shocks

Think Change episode 15: the climate and conflict double challenge – has COP27 delivered?
December 02, 2022

COP27 ended with the launch of a new loss and damage fund, which will provide financial assistance to poor nations stricken by climate disaster. But this money is unlikely to reach fragile communities in areas affected by conflict. These communities are

Think Change episode 14: climate loss and damage – who should pay?
November 09, 2022

With COP27 now under way in Sharm El Sheikh, this episode explores why loss and damage is a key focus for this years negotiations through the perspective of Small Island Developing States (SIDS).SIDS are most heavily impacted by the impacts of climate ch

Think Change episode 13: how do we solve the fossil fuel problem?
October 27, 2022

The International Energy Agency last year found that there is no room for any new coal, oil or gas if the world is to achieve net zero emissions by 2050 a crucial target to keep global heating to 1.5C. But how do we balance this with the stark reality

Think Change episode 12: do we need a new Bretton Woods agreement for the post-Covid era?
October 06, 2022

Finance Ministers, Central Bank Governors and leaders of the World Bank and International Monetary Fund (IMF) are heading to Washington for the Annual Meetings, to discuss how to respond to the grim forecast captured in the latest outlook for the global e

Think Change episode 11: what’s causing the energy crisis?
September 23, 2022

Global energy prices continue to rise. Coal prices are projected to increase by 81% in 2022, crude oil prices by 42% and natural gas prices by 74%. But these costs arent shared equally, especially for natural gas which requires specialised distribution i

Think Change episode 10: what has the impact of Taliban rule been, one year on? Afghan women’s perspectives
August 15, 2022

Twenty years of western intervention in Afghanistan were bought to an abrupt end a year ago after the Talibans swift advance on Kabul.Their takeover sparked international disarray. Short-term, humanitarian solutions have failed to address the most critic

Think Change episode 9: is crypto the key to global financial inclusion?
July 28, 2022

Since the birth of Bitcoin in 2008, cryptocurrency (or crypto) has had a significant impact on the way we think about money and financial services. It has even prompted discussion of a new dawn in global financial inclusion.Many argue that cryptocurrenc

Think Change episode 8: what next? Rwanda asylum plan in a changing political landscape
July 14, 2022

The Rwanda asylum plan refers the UKs governments controversial proposed policy to deport people identified as illegal immigrants, or seeking asylum, to Rwanda for resettlement. A judicial review of the policy is now set to take place in September, but

Think Change episode 7: what can be done to tackle Covid-19 vaccine inequity?
June 28, 2022

This month global trade ministers held talks at the World Trade Organization for the first time in five years. As the conference spilled into a sixth day, an agreement was finally reached to waiver Covid-19 patents (the TRIPS waiver).This deal temporarily