Ocean Rock Wellness

Ocean Rock Wellness

Latest Episodes

RADIO: Olderhood & Ocean Rock Wellness Discuss Inflammation
October 25, 2018

The Olderhood Group provides Education, Advocacy and Research to help people from all walks of life transition fromtheir careers to a new life beyond work. They have partnered with many experts in th

5 Key Strategies To Restoring Health In Our Toughest Clients
September 30, 2018

What You Will Learn In This Podcast? Join our medical director, Dr. Peets Talbot and our physiotherapist, Beth Hollis for this podcast as they share the simple yet KEY strategies that we at Ocean Rock Wellness use in our practice to restore health!

PODCAST: Everything You Need to Know About Holistic Pediatrics
July 21, 2018

Dr. Peets Talbot  on Holistic Pediatrics Mother of two, Dr. Peets Talbot knows from personal experience the limitations of conventional medicine for young children. On today’s podcast Dr. Peets Talbot joins Dr.

PODCAST: 3 Happy Human Hacks
June 29, 2018

In this podcast, Dr. Famous and Beth Hollis discuss their top 3 Happy Human Hacks! Not everyone is happy all the time. We live in a fast-paced world, with huge demands thrown at us left, right and center. Dr. Famous and Beth both wear many hats,

PODCAST: Mother’s Day Weekend Hangout
May 12, 2018

In this week’s podcast, Dr. Famous hangs out with her daughter and athlete Sakari Famous. Having a mother who is passionate about functional medicine means that there are going to be some healthy habits involved.

PODCAST: Behind the Scenes Journey through a Rapid Transformation
April 30, 2018

In this podcast we get deep into our newest member’s modality and specialty – Rapid Transformational Therapy with Rolisa Camille, the only RTT Therapist and Coach in Bermuda. The team has received many questions, such as: What is RTT?

PODCAST: Welcome to Ocean Rock Wellness Podcast
April 17, 2018

Ocean Rock Wellness Ltd. has also developed and implemented a holistic, mindful working environment to help promote and achieve balance from the top down. Ayesha, Sabrina, and Beth are all successful professionals and loving and caring mothers.
