Ocean Rock Wellness

Ocean Rock Wellness

PODCAST: 3 Happy Human Hacks

June 29, 2018

In this podcast, Dr. Famous and Beth Hollis discuss their top 3 Happy Human Hacks!
Not everyone is happy all the time. We live in a fast-paced world, with huge demands thrown at us left, right and center. Dr. Famous and Beth both wear many hats, and as a result, they know what it’s like to be caught in the hustle and bustle of a busy life. BUT, busy doesn’t have to mean unhappy. As entrepreneurs, healers, and mothers to many, they know first hand how the multiple demands can feel overwhelming. To combat their stress, these ladies have come up with 3 areas in life that need to be HACKED! To ‘hack’ is to cut or shape by, and that’s just what they do. They cut their day up and shape their schedule to include Happy Human Hacks!

* Gratitude – By practicing daily gratitude you can cultivate happiness. This has been practiced, studied and proven to be a success. Try using a gratitude journal, and listen to this pod cast to find out how our Ocean Rock families join in!
* Mindfulness – Stop what you are doing and be present in the moment! It’s time to put down your device, stop multitasking and embrace where you are. By quieting the mind you can tap into your senses and find happiness once and for all!
* Grounding –  Or earthing, refers to connecting electrically with the Earth. Dr. Famous talks all about negative ions. Learn where you need to be to recharge your happy batteries! The earth, ocean, sun and dirt can all play a part, where are you going to dive in first?

Happy people are different. They seek out joy and approach each day with light and laughter. We hope you can make some of these Happy Human Hacks a priority to spread the smiles