Oasis AZ
Latest Episodes
Honoring God in Marriage, Part 1 - God's Design for Relationships
God calls us to submit to and serve one another in marriage in the same way that Jesus submitted to and served the Father.
Relating to Your Parents - God's Design for Relationships
We honor God by submitting to one another. For children, this includes obedience to our parents. For adult children, this includes honoring them. Because we honor God and our spouse first, however, th
Honoring God as a Single - God's Design for Relationships
God calls all of us to a season of sexual purity. Sexual purity includes focusing on friendships with mature believers and leaving one another better off than we found them. Unfortunately we ran into
Gender & Sexuality - God's Design for Relationships
God created us male and female. Race, color, nationality, sexual orientation, height, shape, and language are temporary. Our biological sex, on the other hand, is part of our God-given identity; so ch
Who is Jesus? The Gospel of John: John 15:18-25 - Who is Jesus? The Gospel of John (10-15)
Outsiders will treat us the way they treated Jesus. So, expect persection for loving Jesus--just be sure you're being persecuted for loving Jesus and not for being unloving and offensive. When you're
Who is Jesus? The Gospel of John: John 15:1-17 - Who is Jesus? The Gospel of John (10-15)
We must remain in Jesus by keeping his commands. If we do, he'll call us friends, prune us, make us fruitful, and give us what we ask.
Who is Jesus? The Gospel of John: John 14:15-31 - Who is Jesus? The Gospel of John (10-15)
When Jesus leaves, he will send the Holy Spirit to encourage those who love him. In that way, Jesus will never truly leave those who follow him.
Who is Jesus? The Gospel of John: John 14:1-14 - Who is Jesus? The Gospel of John (10-15)
Jesus is the way to the Father. To know Jesus, is to know the Father. We have access to the Father and his eternal kingdom through Jesus, who gives us permission to ask for anything in his name.
Who is Jesus? The Gospel of John: John 13:31-38 - Who is Jesus? The Gospel of John (10-15)
Jesus calls us to love one another as Jesus loved us. It will be expensive, but loving one another draws the world to Jesus.
Easter Changes Eveything: Matthew 28:1-10 - Easter Messages
Jesus resurrection gives us hope we can be forgiven, we can change, and we can live forever.