New York, I Love You But You've Changed

New York, I Love You But You've Changed

Michael is Here for Bike Protests and Community

April 05, 2021

Michael Shelton is 28, from Washington Heights, a music lover, biker, software engineer and activist currently living in Williamsburg. Michael is also an organizer and member of Riders 4 Rights, a community organization that organizes bike protests, leads educational rides and provides mutual aid to New Yorkers across the city, all in the fight for Black Liberation with the intention of building community and keeping its members safe. In this episode, Michael fills Alexis in on how life in the NYC of his childhood compares to the NYC of today, what drew him into organizing, the beauty of the bike protest, the agony and ecstasy of summer 2020, the power of organizing in community and what it means to be an LCD Soundsystem groupie.

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