Not Your Grandma’s Cancer Show - Shine Cancer Support

Latest Episodes
Episode 16 - Queer with cancer
Queer with cancer. In this episode Tatum talks with Ben, Rebecca and Stewart about living with cancer and being LGBTQI+
Episode 15 - Men with cancer
Men with cancer. In this episode we are talking with Dan, Mike and Neil about the impact of cancer and how, as men, they deal with emotions that come.
Episode 14 - The end of the infertility line
The end of the infertility line. In this episode we are talking about the end of the infertility line, when cancer has taken away the opportunity to have children. Terry, Clare and Tatum share how they respond to the innocuous but loaded question “Do you
Episode 13 - Guilt
Guilt In this episode Tatum talks with Naveed, Mikki and Daniella about guilt, that surprising feeling that can be very powerful.
Episode 12 - Causes and Cures
Cancer and Cures In this episode Tatum talks to one of the world’s leading cancer researchers, Professor Gerard Evan, about the causes of cancer, why he’s optimistic about the future - and whether a ‘cure for all cancers’ already exists.
Episode 11 - Being a cancer lifer: living without a cure
Being a cancer lifer: living without a cure Tatum interviews Marbellys, Adam and Cara, all of whom are living with an incurable cancer diagnosis.
Episode 11 - Being a cancer lifer: living without a cure
Being a cancer lifer: living without a cure Tatum interviews Marbellys, Adam and Cara, all of whom are living with an incurable cancer diagnosis.
Episode 12 - Causes and Cures
Cancer and Cures In this episode Tatum talks to one of the world’s leading cancer researchers, Professor Gerard Evan, about the causes of cancer, why he’s optimistic about the future - and whether a ‘cure for all cancers’ already exists.