Not Your Average Financial Podcast™
Episode 233: Top 10 Episodes! Wait A Minute! Did I Just Pay For This Twice? (Ep. 110)
Would you like to hear 10 of THE BEST episodes so far?
Is it wise to take a POLICY LOAN or not?
In this episode, we ask:
- Would you like to leave us a review?
- Do you experience panic moments?
- Have you ever felt panic around a policy loan?
- Have you heard Episode 34?
- How exactly does a policy work?
- Would you like to discuss this with us?
- What happens when you take the first loan out?
- What about buying a new car with a policy loan?
- Do you ever ask, “Did I just make a terrible mistake?”
- Didn’t I pay for the car twice?
- Is taking a policy loan better than paying cash?
- Is the loan payment on top of premium?
- Doesn’t it feel like you’re buying the car all over again?
- Are you the banker and the borrower at the same time?
- Why do bankers add capital to a bank?
- Who comes in the front door of a bank?
- Why do bankers love it when borrowers pay back loans?
- Are banks looking for capital?
- Are you setting up an actual bank?
- How might you recapture the banking function?
- What is a reasonable period of time?
- What is the big idea?
- What might you use as collateral?
- What have you been saving for?
- How does a Home Equity Line of Credit (HELOC) work?
- How do people use HELOCs to finance education (or other life purchase)?
- What are the problems with using a HELOC?
- What are the benefits with a Bank on Yourself type policy?
- What are the problems with 401(k) loans?
- What are the benefits with a Bank on Yourself type policy?
- What does this look like in an example with real numbers?
- When you take a policy loan, where does it come from?
- How does the policy continue to grow, even with policy loans?
- What is a non-direct recognition loan feature?
- Have you heard Episode 83?
- Which companies offer non-direct recognition?
- Does the insurance company charge you interest on a whole life insurance loan?
- Are you able to skip a payment on a life insurance loan repayment?
- Is the loan interest simple or compound interest?
- Could the policy lapse if you take a very large policy loan?
- How can you manage the policy in a healthy way?
- What happens when you take money from a savings account?
- Is there an opportunity cost with a policy loan?
- When do you have to pay the policy loan off?
- Do you interrupt the growth of your money when you borrow it?
- Am I saving enough to have the money to make the purchase I want?
- How will I make the purchase? Will I pay cash? Will I go into debt? Will I take a policy loan?
- Have you heard Episode 54 yet?
- Have you heard Episode 71 yet?
- Isn’t this twice as nice?