Not Your Average Financial Podcast™

Not Your Average Financial Podcast™

Episode 349: The Heirs or The IRS?

May 10, 2024

In this episode, we ask:

  • What annual day did Americans just survive?
  • Where do you pay tax?
  • Who pays the most in lifetime taxes?
  • Who pays the least?
  • What about your heirs?
  • Do you want theirs or your heirs to get the money?
  • What is legally required?
  • Would you like to hear Episode 199?
  • What are the steps?
  • What about income tax?
  • What about assets that force an income?
  • What about assets you can borrow against?
  • What about collateral?
  • What about the tax to your heirs?
  • Is this only for the ultra-wealthy?
  • What are some ideas?
  • What happens when the laws change?
  • What about BITA?
  • What about taxing the rich?
  • How does this affect the middle class and less wealthy?
  • What about estate tax?
  • What about interest rates?
  • What about a mindset shift?
  • Are there capital gains on life insurance?
  • What are the problems?
  • What is guaranteed to grow?
  • What is not guaranteed to grow?
  • What happens if you find yourself underwater?
  • What about liquidity?
  • What about compounding?
  • What assets compound?
  • How about an example?
  • What about the power of compounding growth?
  • What are the opportunities?
  • Is everyone going to be able to save enough money?
  • What about saving a modest amount?
  • What are billionaires doing with their stocks and real estate?
  • What are the quick takeaways?
  • What are the strategies?
  • What about the risks with common strategies?
  • What about whole life insurance?
  • What about reducing your tax burden now?
  • What about a Bank on Yourself® type whole life insurance policy?
  • Would you like to visit
