NWP Radio

NWP Radio

(Re)marking on equity and education with Marginal Syllabus

August 31, 2017

The Marginal Syllabus was created during the 2016-17 school year to convene and sustain conversations with educators about issues of equity in teaching, learning, and education. The Marginal Syllabus embraces an intentional double entendre; partnering with authors whose writing may be considered marginal—or contrary to—dominant education norms, and online conversations with authors occur in the margins of their texts using web annotation.

A collaborative and emergent attempt to create a new sociotechnical genre of educator professional development, the Marginal Syllabus leverages the web annotation platform Hypothesis, adding multiple voices to critical conversations about equity and education.

Join us to hear from Marginal Syllabus organizers, including educators from Colorado working in the Aurora Public School District, about what we learned during this first year of annotation and learning in the margins. We will also discuss plans for a collaborative syllabus with the NWP for the 2017-18 school year.