Crusaders for NuTemple Podcast
Latest Episodes
Crusaders for NuTemple Episode 3
Welcome to the Crusaders for NuTemple Episode 3. In this episode we cover the following things: More secrets on making gold in the Auction House Some talk about Talent trees Cooking Recipes Battle Grounds And a Walk though of the Stockades & other miscel
Crusaders for NuTemple PodCast 2
Welcome to the Crusaders for NuTemple podcast. It is up now and ready to go along with a great new template in hornor of Hallow's End. Yes, I know it's late but it's still here enjoy, and with great tips on how to make gold while using the AH. Please em
The Crusaders for NuTemple Podcast
Welcome to the Crusaders for NuTemple podcast. Late but still here enjoy the tips on how to make gold while using the AH. Â Please email us your ideas on what you would like us to conve in upcoming podcasts. We look forward to your responses on our podca
Crusaders Inagural Podcast
Yes, the inaugural Podcast for the Crusaders’' of NuTemple is now online listen to it now and enjoy. Since my brother and I are relatively new to the World of WarCraft we have decided that the focus on our pod casts should be towards the new player.