Nurse Wellbeing Mission

Nurse Wellbeing Mission

Ep 10: Making the case for self-compassion in nurse education. A Conversation With Jasna Schwind

January 10, 2023

In today’s episode, I talk to Jasna Schwind, professor of nursing at the Daphne Cockwell School of Nursing in Toronto about self-compassion in nurse education. Jasna is an RN and nurse educator who is interested in the humanness of care and ways to enhance nurse student learning via mindfulness and compassion.

If you’re interested in self-compassion, this episode is for you! Nathan even leads a short self-compassion exercise at the end of the episode so keep listening!

In this conversation we cover the following topics:

-Jasna’s background and when she started incorporating mindfulness into her teaching with nursing students.

-Why it’s important to address the psychological needs of nursing students so that they can effectively absorb and use the knowledge they are gaining through formal study.

-What self-compassion is, and how it can be developed.

-How self-compassion can help motivate students, soften and reduce perfectionism, and help them be effective leaders.

-The importance of compassionate care in nursing, and how one’s ability to be self-compassionate affects compassion toward patients.

-Jasna’s take on how and why self-compassion should be integrated into both nursing curricula and also permeated throughout nurse educator leadership.

-A self-compassion exercise led by Nathan that will help listeners get a feel for what it’s like to experience this important method of emotional regulation.

If you’d like to find further self-compassion tools then visit the Nurse Wellbeing Mission youtube channel here:

You can also join our free Facebook community where you’ll get access to other nurses interested in self-care and self-compassion, and receive great, free resources from us. Join us here:

To find out more about Jasna’s work then visit her academic profile here:

Or her website here: