Nurse Wellbeing Mission

Nurse Wellbeing Mission

Should I go to therapy? Removing barriers to accessing support.

November 01, 2022

There are times when we already know that we should seek help because of the changes that we are noticing in the way we deal with things in our life. The problem is that many barriers stop us from taking action and make us think twice about getting help. However, thinking about the long-term benefits of seeking help now will help us change our mindsets and start to overcome these barriers.

In this episode, Nathan Illman talks about why you may want to access psychological therapy and when might be a good time to do it. He also discusses the barriers to seeking out help, how to overcome them, and some of the practicalities of attending therapy.


  • Even if we’re emotionally intelligent, self-aware, and have good support, sometimes we still need the support of someone outside our support network to help us work through life's challenges.

  • An important exercise to know whether or not to seek help is to think about the time when you were functioning at your best and compare it to where you are now.

  • You are not alone in what you feel and there is no shame in getting support from someone else. 

  • Someday when you get older, you'll look back on your life now and think about what could've happened if you sought out help. 

  • You don't necessarily need to let certain people know that you are seeking help. Only share it with people who will surely understand and be supportive.

  • We tend to prioritize other people's needs but we have to shift to this mindset of helping ourselves and thinking about how psychological therapy would help us long-term.

  • The time that therapy will cost you now will pay dividends in the future.

  • Explore and know where to access support.

  • It's okay to ask and understand the qualifications of experts to see if they are the right fit for you and your particular situation.

  • Public services have limitations. It is important to think about making room and investing your money in your mental health.

  • The first therapist that you see may not be the right person for you and it's alright. You don’t need to completely give up on accessing mental health services. You may give it another go or find the right person for you.

  • Spend a little time looking at your options for the kind of therapy that might best suit you.

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