Nurse Wellbeing Mission

Nurse Wellbeing Mission

Ep 1: The Origins of Nurse Wellbeing Mission

August 24, 2022

Welcome to the introduction to the Nurse Wellbeing Mission podcast! In this introductory episode, your host, Dr. Nathan lllman (Clinical Psychologist), discusses his professional journey with supporting nurses and other healthcare staff and how his personal experiences led him to commit to helping the nursing and midwifery workforce.

The podcast is designed to support the well-being of nurses and midwives through:

  • Conversations with industry leaders and researchers who specialize in nurse/midwife wellbeing.

  • Practical, how-to episodes from Nathan, covering a range of mental health and wellbeing topics.

  • Inspiring stories from nurses and midwives about their own personal wellbeing challenges and journeys.

If you’re a nurse or midwife interested in joining our Nurse Wellbeing Mission community, head over to our website and Facebook group:


Facebook Group: 
