Nurse Wellbeing Mission

EP 25: How to build a thriving community nursing team
District Nursing is a tough business. Long hours, solo working in complex and challenging environments. Not to mention the distressing and sometimes dangerous situations nurses are placed in.
This can all take its toll on nurses' mental health. Which is why it is CRUCIAL to have a compassionate team leader who knows how to support their staff.
Enter Helen Kelly. In today's super insightful and practical episode, Helen shares how she transformed a downbeat team of District Nurses into a cohesive, loving, trusting, and effective unit with super patient outcomes.
Today, we embark on a journey to explore the essence of team effectiveness and the art of cultivating a supportive environment.
Join us as we delve into the experiences and insights of this remarkable nursing team leader, Helen, who has not only weathered the storm but has also sown the seeds of compassion, resilience, and well-being within her team.
Key Takeaways from this episode
Helen highlights the importance of staff well-being and prioritizing mental health.
She also discusses the importance of local-level support for team members and the need for a safe and open environment to discuss emotions and stress.
Changes Helen made to creative a thriving team:
Having an open door policy, and being present and empathic with her staff at all times.
Introduction of calming plants in each office to improve air quality and create a positive atmosphere.
The "Guardian Angel" program, where team members anonymously support each other with gestures of kindness and appreciation.
A reflective corner with coloring materials and affirmations to provide a space for relaxation and emotional support.
A well-being box stocked with essential items
Helen discusses the importance of focusing on the well-being of nursing staff to ensure they can provide the best care to patients.
Today's Guest:
Helen Kelly is an operational team lead for a district nursing service in Sussex, England. Helen's service had introduced several changes to how they ran things within the group, many different initiatives which had led to a massive improvement in well being within the team and people feeling supported.
Helen's approach has been genuinely preventative. She created a culture where people feel supported, and their distress is minimized.
Connect with Helen on Twitter here: @HeleMorrison
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