Nurse Wellbeing Mission

EP 20: Powerful questions to enhance your self-care
Are you someone who neglects their needs and struggles with implementing self-care?
Many nurses and midwives struggle with burnout and not taking appropriate care of themselves.
There is a real art and science to making behaviour change and properly taking care of ourselves.
In this episode, Nathan will share with us some empowering questions that we can use to coach ourselves to start living a healthier life and prevent burnout.
The way we talk to ourselves dictates our behavior.
Asking questions or different questions enables us to have different outcomes in our life.
When we have too many competing goals, our brains cannot focus on one thing.
When we allow ourselves to be guided by our feelings, we often do not follow through with the things that are important to us.
Example: Don’t feel motivated, therefore don’t go to my dance class.
In the episode, Nathan goes through the following questions as a process you can follow (listen to the episode for more context and explanation):
If I am being honest with myself, if I rated my current approach to my own well-being on a scale of 1 to 10, what score would I give it? (1 = dissatisfied, 10 = very satisfied)
Ask, “What actions am I taking that enabled me to come up with that number?”
What will it take to get from the original number I gave myself to go up a couple of notches on that scale?
Who and what is most important to me in my life? How does my current approach to my own well-being impact what is important to me in my life?
If my health were to improve by 10%, how might that benefit these things that are important to me? Just consider for a moment your current state of health.
If I were to focus on just one area of my well-being, one place of my self-care, which one feels most important to me right now?
What is a minor action I could start taking today? What is one small step I could take?
What is a realistic goal for me to start making significant gains with this aspect of my well-being?
When I have tried to make these changes, what opposite goals, challenges, and barriers have I come up against?
What are some of the excuses that I intended to give myself?
What do I need to tell myself to set me up for success? What is it that I need to hear to help me take these small self-care actions?
So now you have a plan - go out and do it and share your success with someone in your life!
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