Robbie Cornelius - MindMaster Podcast

Robbie Cornelius - MindMaster Podcast

Episode 554 - We Were All Born Into a Cult - Self Mastery Radio

July 07, 2020

We all know that we do want to do the things that will make us happy. But we can't always see it right there in front of us, can we? It takes practice to come up with different ways of getting what we want, and the ability to shift our focus from one activity to another at the appropriate time.
If you are like most people, then when something is not going your way, you often let it ruin your mood. Once you realize how the mind is programmed, this doesn't have to be the case. Instead, the mind can be programmed in such a way that your moods can be kept in check when you really need them.
How the mind is programmed is really simple. You simply ask the subconscious, "What is the best thing that I can do to move me into the direction that I want to go?" Most people who ask themselves these questions and write the answer down are unaware that they are doing so.
A lot of people actually start to work on this until they have built up this set of goals, and then they realize that they don't even want to do a single thing to move forward with the goal. They sit there until it is too late, and then they realize that they don't even want to do anything!
It is really not that hard to learn how the mind is programmed, and we all have the ability to change it. If we know how the mind works, we can use this information to change our own lives for the better. Maybe we can get rid of depression, add a little zest to our lives, or do anything else that we need to accomplish.
If you are looking for ways to change the way that you think about yourself, or your life in general, then you need to take a look at this particular area of your life and find out how the mind is programmed. You may be surprised at how simple this process is and how much of an effect it has on your life.