Robbie Cornelius - MindMaster Podcast
Spiritual Independence
Sometimes I sit back and listen at people talk about things. To be honest, at times, I just don't relate or connect with everyone. Sometimes I pretend I to, just for the sake of being polite. But in reality, I sometimes think that some people are just, dumb. Even intelligent people can be idiots. Just look at some highly educated politicians. haha..
Group thinking often turns human beings into cows. And where there are cows; there's bound to be some bullshit somewhere.
I know that may sound radical, and even negative, coming from a practitioner of positive thinking. But I don't see positive thinking as only thinking jolly thoughts. I see positive thinking as any thought that adds to the purpose you established for yourself. And I see negative thinking, as any thought that subtracts from the purpose you established for yourself.
When I was younger, I never really saw myself as a "group person." Even as an incompetent gang banger, I strayed away from the crowd. I realized very quickly that people can be quite dumb.
When I say people can be dumb, I don't mean that people don't know things. What I mean, is that they don't know much outside of the things they've been told by someone else. They're not really independent thinkers. They primarily regurgitate.
In school, the more you regurgitate, the smarter you are considered to be smart.
But how smart is someone that never originated one thought about the subject they're studying?
The main reason I dropped out of school, is because I hated regurgitating.
I think that's also one of the main reasons I dropped out of religion. So when when I hear people that say things such as "the Bible says this" or "the bible says that," gets on my nerves. People think they're sounding smart; but my brain hears dumb.
You can quote the bible. Wooptie doo, good for you!
At times, it often feels as if I'm from another world: a more highly advanced world, where people think on a higher plane of existence.
I often imagine, that when I was in my previous world, someone came to me and told me stories of a human civilization, that existed on a lower level of consciousness; and I found the story to be so unbelievable, that I decided to come here and see for myself.
Humans often see themselves as modern; as apposed to their ancestors. And it's true, people have came a long way in many facets of life: but as far as many other subjects are concerned, many people have yet to evolve.
One of those subjects, being God.
People seem to be so sure about God. But from my years as a fake Christian, I realized that God is an idea, that many people seemed to have different ideas about.
I quickly realized that no matter what church I attended, no matter where I went in the world, everyone gave me a different idea of what God is, and what God wants for me.
People could be sitting in the same church, listening to the same message, listening to the same man read from the same book, and give you a totally different opinion on the subject of God than the person they're sitting next to.
It's one of the reasons there are so many different religions, and so many denominations within each religion.
In western society, to be an independent thinker is to be demonized. We get called things such as antisocial, introverts, loners, quacks, outsiders, outcast, etc. But in reality, many of us just can't relate to the conformity group thinking.
I see spirituality as an expedition. It is for the explorer; whereas religion is often for the settler.
Sure the religious mind can rationalize that to explore religion is the mark of a true seeker. Another thing about humans is that we can justify whatever we want to justify.
But back to the people who primarily regurgitate.
I'm not interested in people that can quote Jesus. I'm more interested in, Jesus. I'm not interested in people's that can quote Plato. I'm interested in, Plato. I'm not interested in people that write about Albert...