Robbie Cornelius - MindMaster Podcast
The Wall of Fear
We all have a wall of fear that live inside of us.
Some of our fears speak louder than others.
Where you are right now is a manifestation of an emotional holding pattern that you've become comfortable with. "AKA, your comfort zone."
This is where you've allowed yourself to go, so far.
The reason why you feel stuck is because you haven't given yourself permission to burst through that wall of fear.
Without consciously being aware of it, you've placed yourself inside of an emotional-fort to protect yourself from the pain of being let down again.
The quality of your relationships, your income, your happiness, and your health, are reflections of where you were at the point in time when you met the people you currently associate with.
When you're hurt, you gravitate towards hurt people. And because they felt your pain at that moment in time; you made that person your friend, and, or, your lover.
That's cool; but the only problem is that that relationship was built off of pain. Pain disguised as love.
If the people in your life aren't willing to burst through the wall of fear with you, they will continue to pull you back every time you attempt to escape and better yourself.
I call this, "The Institution of Obligation."
You might feel obligated to complain, struggle, and suffer when you come around certain people because you know that your relationship is built off of pain.
As you commit to a better vision for your life; you'll find that you spend less with negative people.
The journey may be a lonely one at first. You will be tempted to return of the same people, places and things.
But if you continue to walk your rich-truth, you will soon come across others that's decided to do the same.
This week, commit to a high vision for yourself. Give yourself permission to burst through the Wall of Fear!!
Robbie Cornelius