Nursing Podcast by (NRSNG) (NCLEX® Prep for Nurses and Nursing Students)

Nursing Podcast by (NRSNG) (NCLEX® Prep for Nurses and Nursing Students)

Latest Episodes

Ep263: A Bit of Colored Ribbon
May 21, 2018

Ever since I can remember, I always wanted a Jeep Wrangler. For some reason, that was always the car that I wanted to drive. I felt like maybe it embodied some of what I feel about life, this free spirit … Continued

Ep262: The Wonder of Nursing
May 14, 2018

About two weeks ago I took my son Taz to chess class. He was attending chess class every couple nights. I took him to chess class, and as we were sitting there waiting for the class to start, this was … Continued

Ep261: You ARE Going to be a GREAT Nurse (Introducing Nichole Weaver MSN, RN, CCRN)
May 07, 2018

I am so excited to introduce the new Director of Content at NRSNG: Nichole Weaver MSN, RN, CCRN.   I wanted to bring Nichole on to introduce herself and say “HI” as well as discuss how you can believe in … Continued

Ep260: What You Focus on Becomes Your Reality
April 13, 2018

Hey guys . . . Sorry it’s been so long since I’ve been on here.  I just wanted to record a short episode to share a personal experience I had this week.

Your Journey Through Nursing with Nurse Mo
February 12, 2018

We all have unique journeys into nursing.  Today I am excited to introduce you to Nurse Mo of as she shares her journey and experiences in the field of nursing.

Learning to “Get Back Up Again” as a Nursing Student
February 05, 2018

Perfection is an impossible goal as a nurse.  You will make mistakes, you will fall down, you will fail . . . The important thing is learning to get back up after the failure hits.  Today, I am talking with … Continued

Lions Don’t Give a ****
December 18, 2017

One of my favorite quotes is: Lions don’t concern themselves with the opinion of sheep. We want you to be a LION.  Be humble, work your hardest, do everything that you can . . . and then . . . … Continued

How to Handle Med Errors
December 12, 2017

It is always important to respond appropriately in the face of a mistake.  If you handle it appropriately you can minimize problems and learn from your mistake.  Learn from an experienced nurse how to handle a med error.

Giving Meds Safely in Urgent Situations
December 05, 2017

When a situation becomes urgent you won’t have a lot of time to try to think through and process things.  We will help you know how to get through those urgent situations and give medications safely even when rushed.  

Tips to Avoid Med Errors
November 28, 2017

Medication math requires great attention to detail, and the math can be challenging.  Pharmacology is already very difficult to master with interesting medication names and lists of side effects and contraindications.  But,