Gospel Today

Gospel Today

“What if…” Chapter 3, What Is Worry?

August 21, 2020

Worry and anxiety are the weeds of the mind and spirit. Do nothing and they will grow! Leave them alone hoping that they will go away, and when you come back, they will be bigger and stronger than before. Eventually they crowd out everything else and do real damage to your spirit!

In the New Testament, Jesus used a similar illustration when he taught his disciples about the destructive nature of worry. In the parable of the soils (Matthew 13:3-9) Jesus explained how worry can completely take over our life, not even leaving room for us to respond to the message of the gospel. 

Friends many people are struggling with worry, fear and anxiety during these unusual times. I decided to record a few chapters from by book “What if… How to Kill Worry and Anxiety Before They Kill You.”

I hope this recording will help calm your worries and anxieties. I hope you might also take time to share this with a friend who you know is struggling with worry now.