Gospel Today

Gospel Today

#60 How to Communicate the Gospel Clearly and Convincingly

August 28, 2015

One of the main reasons we often fail at clearly communicating the Gospel is because we make the false assumption that we already know the Gospel and we have stopped making it a serious topic of study for our own heart!

If we don't clearly communicate the Gospel then we have nothing, our churches will not grow and if they do they'll be filled with false converts.

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In the News

Our Church is conducting a vacation Bible school this week and we are bringing in refugee children from the nearby sanatorium. Please pray for this outreach!  You can watch my vlog on this here.
Tomorrow we travel to Nickolaev to visit our students there, including 4 new graduates. Pray for our trip and our students in Nickolaev
Monday we travel to Moldova for a 5 day conference with our fellow missionaries, pray for safe travels and a successful conference.

30 Days of Prayer for Ukraine
Join Christina and me in September for 30 days of prayer for Ukraine. You can sign-up below.
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How to Communicate the Gospel Clearly

1. Know the Gospel
2. Know your audience
3. Ask questions
4. Don't use a cookie-cutter approach

How to Communicate the Gospel Convincingly
There's a place for apologetics and showing proofs of the Bible's truth claims, however, that's not exactly what I'm talking about here.

The best proof for most people that the Gospel is true is when they see a changed life! Let your life be the changed life they see. If you want to convince people of the truth of the Gospel make sure your life is a convincing example.

Tell the Truth William Metzger
What Is the Gospel Greg Gilbert
Good Soil Evangelism/Discipleship training (We do this training in Russian too, contact me if you want to know more about it.)

Thank you!
I wanted to share with you just a small milestone in my life and ministry. It's hard to believe that my podcast, which I usually record in our walk-in closet/studio, just past the 10,000 download mark!

It's really not much compared to the big guys out there who probably get 10,000 downloads daily but it's something for me and I just want to say, "THANK YOU!"

Thank you for listening!
Thank you for asking questions!
Thank you for sharing it with others!
Thank you for leaving reviews on iTunes!
Thank you for your support!
Thank you especially to Christina for putting up with me when I'm recording and for joining me as a guest occasionally!I started the podcast originally for two reasons, one was because I wanted to use the material I was teaching and preaching on in Russian in and English context. I thought that if I spent the time studying and preparing then it was a waste to use it only once.So most of what you hear in the podcast is stuff that I have preached on or taught on in Russian!