Gospel Today

Gospel Today

#59 How to Make False Converts, 13 Tips

August 19, 2015

One of the most dangerous things in our churches today is people who think they're Christians but they're not. Many unbelieving and unrepentant people are members in good standing in churches today, they attend regularly, serve in various ministries and bring some of the best lasagna to potlucks.

In this episode of Now Is the Time I give you 13 ways to make a false convert.

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In the News
-September Pray for Ukraine
For the month of September you'll received daily prayer reminders via short e-mails that will not be published on our site or anywhere else.

You can sign up here.
-Old Testament Survey
This week we responded to perspective students from 7 different countries. Please pray for us as we prepare this course to offer online. Pray also for our students.
-Disabled Refugees
We continue our outreach to disabled refugees, today we are doing a free medical clinic for them in our church facility. Please pray that the gospel would be heard clearly and that they would respond in faith.
Facility in Odessa
There are some exciting possibilities and some important decisions that need to be made concerning our institutes facility in Odessa, please pray for wisdom and God's leading.

13 Ways to Make False Converts
(Just in case you didn't catch it the text below is satire, listen to the podcast audio for more detailed explanations of these problems)
1. Do all the talking.
Don't let the person your trying to share the gospel with ask you questions or respond unless they want to pray the sinners prayer, just keep talking to them and keep sharing the gospel with them until they finally break down and repent.
2. Tell them they need to ask Jesus into their heart.
You might also try to use a few other enigmatic phrases, tell them that they need to be "washed in the blood," or that they should "be born again," or simply, "get saved."

Make sure you don't explain these phrases in every day language, just let them figure it out.
3. Instead of answering their questions pressure them to make a decision.
Don't worry about how much they really understand, just go for the decision, put the pressure on them and make them feel awkward if they don't repent right then and there.
4. Scare them with hell.
Make it hot, make it uncomfortable, make them sweat. Many people have been scared right into heaven.
5. Convince them that the Christian life is fun.
Promise them that if they become a Christian God will bless them physically and financially. They'll move up in the world, drive their dream car and find that dream husband/wife. Life will be luxuries and filled with temporary comforts of this world.

Oh, and don't tell them about how nearly all the disciples were martyred.
6. Attach salvation to some event, action, or class.
Tell them they need to "come forward," say a prayer, light a candle, stop drinking, complete a "confirmation" class. Find something actual that they can do and attach salvation to that event.
7. Assure them that a prayer will get them into heaven.
Ask them if they can ever remember praying the sinners prayer, if they did, then they're good, if they didn't then have them pray it right away, they're good now.
8. Leave the discipleship to someone else.
Make sure to leave the discipleship to someone else, you don't have time to waste on their spiritual growth, certainly God can take care of that. The best thing you can do is leave them on their own so you can evangelize others.