Gospel Today

Gospel Today

#58 Three Types of Repentance

August 10, 2015

What does true repentance really look like? I give you 4 qualities of true repentance, I also talk about 3 different types of repentance.

This is part two on the topic of repentance, if you missed the first part you can catch it here "Five Misconceptions About Repentance"

iTunes and Stitcher are great ways to catch this podcast on your mobile device.

In the News
-Last week some of our students participated in "Extreme Institute." We sent them to the village of Lemani, where they studied the book of Habakkuk and did evangelism to with the one small church in that village.
Pray that there would be fruit from the seeds we planted in many hearts during our outreach.
-I recently met with our institute's administrative team, this school year we are planning several ambitious initiatives.

We are finalizing all our first level courses for our church centered Bible schools and printing them.
We are pushing ahead to prepare 5 more online courses for our students.
We planning to take part in two conferences for ministry leaders this Fall.

Pray for wisdom in leadership of our Church Ministries Institute and pray for God's provision to help make these plans reality.
-Our family has been out of our apartment for about two months now. I haven't said much about this but we've been doing some remodel in our apartment this summer so we've been living in Christina's parents apartment.
Pray that the remodel would be finished quickly so we can get back into our place.

Three Types of Repentance
1. Repentance to Salvation
For having sorrow in a godly way results in repentance that leads to salvation and leaves no regrets. But the sorrow of the world produces death. (2Co 7:10)
2. Repentance from a Particular Sin
I am afraid that when I come my God may again humble me before you and that I may have to grieve over many who formerly lived in sin and have not repented of their impurity, sexual immorality, and promiscuity that they once practiced. (2Co 12:21)
3.  Repentance as a Way of Life
Do not be conformed to this world, but continually be transformed by the renewing of your minds so that you may be able to determine what God's will is—what is proper, pleasing, and perfect. (Rom 12:2)

Four characteristics of true repentance
1.  A Clear Understanding of the Gospel
Repentance without a clear understanding of Gospel truth is nothing more than temporary sadness over the pain that sin has caused you.

2.  True Personal Faith in Jesus

What happens when people try to "repent" without putting their faith in Christ? They end up in a never-ending cycle of "repentance," temporary calm in their life until once again they fall.

3. Deep Sadness Over Personal Sin
 Sadness and grief over our sin is not the definition of repentance but they are part of repentance. When a person repents he begins to understand how truly horrible his sin really is before a holy God.

4.  A Life that Produces Fruit of Repentance
Real repentance leads to real faith, and sign of real faith is fruit. Salvation is after all, God's work and part of that work is the fruit that He produces in the life of every believer.

Thomas Watson, the doctrine of repentance
 J.C. Ryles “Repentance”