Gospel Today

Gospel Today

#56 How Honest Are Missionary Newsletters?

May 23, 2015

Have you ever wondered how honest missionary newsletters really are?

In this episode of "Now Is the Time" I give you three reasons why missionary newsletters don't always reflect reality, I also talk about a new ministry opportunity we have with disabled refugees from Eastern, Ukraine.

Why Missionary Newsletters Aren't Always Honest
Below are the 3 main points, listen to the podcast for an explanation of each point.
1. Pressure to show supporters that your ministry is successful.
2. Choice of content.
3. Lack of transparency about your own mistakes.


Youtube channel Recently I've posted a number of vlogs (video blogs).
9 Confessions of a Struggling Preacher
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Ministry to Disabled Refugees from Eastern Ukraine
This past Sunday Christina went with a group from our church to do outreach with disabled refugees from Eastern Ukraine who are living in a facility just a couple of miles from us.

This is the same group that we invited to our Easter outreach last month. 

Our church team was able to conduct and outdoor service with music and preaching. Christina also took time to get to know the people better. We also brought along some basic needs like toiletries.

As a result of this outreach there is a group of about 10 people who have asked us to come back weekly and to study the Bible with them.

Please pray for our church as we plan how to best minister to these people.
Pray also for these refugees, pray that God would provide for their needs.
Pray that they would clearly hear the Gospel and respond in faith.

Learn how you can donate towards the ministry.