Gospel Today

Gospel Today

#53 Manipulative Preaching vs. Persuasive Preaching

April 11, 2015

What's the difference between preaching that manipulates people for the preacher's own purposes and preaching that persuades people in the truth claims of Scripture?

We talk about persuasive preaching and more in this episode of "Now Is the Time." My guest is professor and author Dr. Larry Overstreet (interview starts at 8:27).

Easter Outreach
Please pray for our Easter outreach which is happening tomorrow. We are busing in about 50 refugees from a nearby refugee camp. Our church is planning a picnic for them in our church yard. There will be music, food and a short gospel message.

We are also expecting a lot of our neighbors to show up for this event.

Pray that our church members would be friendly and not afraid to reach out and connect with unbelievers during this outreach.
Pray that the weather would be dry and sunny.
Pray that we would be able to get the grounds ready in time.
Pray that God would provide to help cover the cost of food and other expenses related to this outreach.
Pray that the gospel would be heard clearly and believed.

Theology online in Russian
Recently we launched a new theology projects in Russian the first is called bogoslovie.net Some of the blog posts that I've originally published in English are now in Russian on our new site. Other professors from our institute are also posting on various theological topics.

We created the site for our institute in order to help met the need of clear theological teaching in Russian speaking churches. The amazing thing about the internet is that we are not just limited to Ukraine, any Russian speaker from anywhere in the world can access our articles.

In addition to the site we have also created a Facebook page where we are posting helpful theological articles and tools in Russian.

Finally, this month we are launching our first in-depth online theological course in Russian. The course is "Principles of Bible Study." If you know of any Russian speakers who might be interested in learning solid Biblical principles for studying and understanding God's Word you can help us by sending them a link to our course here.

Pray for our new online course Principles of Bible Study.
Pray for the development and influence of our new Russian language blog.
Pray for Misha and Roman who will be teaching online courses for us this month.


Persuasive Preaching: A Biblical and Practical Guide to the Effective Use of Persuasion If you preach I highly recommend  you pick up a copy of Dr. Larry Overstreet's book! (This is an Amazon affiliate link, which means if you purchase through this link a small % goes towards supporting our ministry. Thank you!)
Bogoslovie.net Our new theology blog in the Russian language.
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