Gospel Today

Gospel Today

#50 Why We Choose to Live in Ukraine

March 06, 2015

We live in Ukraine and some people think that's not a good idea, it could be dangerous or at the very least inconvenient.

Maybe they're right.

Even before we left for Ukraine nearly 8 years ago some people thought it wasn't the smartest move.

In this episode of "Now Is the Time" Christina and I share with you exactly why we chose to live in Ukraine and choose to stay in Ukraine.

Questions in this Podcast
Here are some questions that we ask and answer in this podcast.

How do you respond when Ukrainians ask you why you moved back to Ukraine?
Do you feel like it's a sacrifice to live in Ukraine?
Do you feel safe living in Ukraine?
What would be he hardest part if you had to leave Ukraine?
What motivates you to stay in Ukraine?

Listener Questions
In addition to the questions above we also answer some listener questions.

Bill Kurlak asked:

Do you know of any men (from your city) who were killed or injured in Ukraine's war?
What do you do in your 'spare time' in Odessa?
Is Suko a Ukrainian name?

Lisa Mariposa Recneps asked:

Do you share ministry efforts with Christians from different denominations? Where, with whom?
Do you help the effort to save Ukraine from Russia occupation?

Do you have a question? Ask me anything anytime you want or give me a call and leave a message (747) 221-6478.
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Question: How does your faith affect your choice of where you live?