Gospel Today

Gospel Today

#48 Did Jesus Have it Easier than You?

February 14, 2015

Jesus is God, he knew everything that would happen, did that make his life and ministry easier than you have it?

That's just one of several questions I answer in this week's episode of "Now Is the Time."

Are You A Holy Person?
What do you think of when you hear the word “holy?â€

For many it calls up scenes of monks in meditative prayer who have given up the worldly life and all its trappings in order to devote their days completely to communion with God.

Real holiness is however something much different... read more.
Peace Talks
This week the president of Ukraine, Russia, Germany and France got together in Minsk for a marathon 18 hour all night peace talk. They finally emerged with a plan in hand.

Here’s my take on the new plan an a summary of a few of the significant points.... read more.

Listener Questions
If you'd like to ask me a questions for next week's podcast you can do that here.

Mike Gratsch asked:

Since Jesus knew He was the son of God did it make it easier to go through all the trials and suffering He experienced, and even to his death, than it would If he didn't know He was God?
Would it be harder for us just to use our faith in the same circumstance vs. His absolute knowledge of it?
Thank you.

Gail Everett asked:

How are the Ukrainian Christians ministering to those in the war zone?
What spiritual opportunities have opened up as a result?
How have you used my English class from Shasta Bible College to further your ministry?

Prayer Requests

Pray for successful village ministry this weekend and preaching on Sunday.
Pray for the online course I'm now teaching.
Pray for us as we prepare 6 online theological training classes.

We appreciate your support, without it we would not be able to serve here in Ukraine! Please take a couple of minutes to see how you can become part of our support team.

You can learn how give a special gift to our ministry here.
You can learn how to give regular support here.