Gospel Today

Gospel Today

#40 Seven Ways Busyness Can Harm You

November 14, 2014

Uncontrolled, unplanned and unending busyness can easily sabotage our lives and cripple our health.

In this episode of "Now Is the Time" I point out seven ways busyness could harm you. I also show you seven ways Jesus managed his work and his rest.

How Busyness Harms Us
It seems the closer we come to the end of the year the busier we get. Life just has a way of adding to our already packed schedule. It's not easy to step back and evaluate our level of activity and it's purpose. However, it is important to analyze our busyness because if we are not careful it can lead to real harm in our lives.

Busyness harms relationships when it focuses on task.
Busyness can drain you physically and mentally.
Busyness can keep you from the spiritual disciplines.
Busyness can cause you to rely upon self instead of God.
Busyness can leave you feeling anxious.
Busyness without a plan is never-ending and may cause you to lose hope.
Busyness without rest can led to burnout.

How to stay busy like Jesus
Often the problem isn't just in how much we are doing but how we are doing it and why we are doing it. The Gospels show us that Jesus was a busy man. He worked hard, got tired and even once slept in a boat in the middle of a storm!

Yet, Jesus also approached his work in a unique way that made it possible for him to work hard without becoming overwhelmed, anxious or burnt out.

Jesus was busy but he took time to rest and pray. Mark 6:31
Jesus was busy but he stopped to talk to children and the outcasts. Mat 19:14
Jesus was busy but he didn't try to do everything.
Jesus was busy but he took one day at a time. Mat 6:34
Jesus was busy but he focused on the Kingdom of God instead of just getting another task done. Mat 6:33
Jesus was busy doing the Father's will, not his own. John 6:38
Jesus was busy but his tasks were planned and purposeful.

I’ve come to the conclusion that, with rare exceptions, the godly person is a busy person. The godly person is devoted to God and to people, and that leads to a full life. Though never frantic in pace, Jesus was a busy man.

-Donald Whitney "The Spiritual Disciplines"
Pray for Ukraine
I want to thank everyone who has given toward the Ukraine Relief Fund. These funds are continually being used to aid churches in the war zone and refugees outside of the war zone!

Over the last week reports have come in that there are again large movements of Russian troops crossing the border into Ukraine. Pray especially for the Ukrainian held city of Mariupol which has come under attack recently.

Pray also for the safety our friend and student Dima who was drafted into the Ukrainian army.
Pray for online classes
Christina has been working hard this month with our translation team as they finalize the text of one of our online courses. Pray that the team will complete the project soon.

I am taking an online class this month called Effective Online Teaching. This is preparation for earlier next year when I will be offering our first online course in Russian. Pray for me as I complete the course.
Pray for the church in Antratsit
Please continue to pray for the church in Antratsit. This is one of the churches whose building was seized. I recently heard that they may be getting their facility back but no details yet, so please keep praying.