Gospel Today

Gospel Today

#33 The Church’s Acceptable Sins

June 27, 2014

Every time and every culture has certain sins that it excuses, ignores or tries to justify. We are no exception to the rule! American churches are hiding some pretty big sins simply because they don't think they're so bad.

In this episode of Now is the Time I talk about the three biggest acceptable sins in American churches today.

By the way, make sure you stay tuned until the end of the podcast for a surprise interview!

This podcast is really the continuation of a conversation I started on Facebook and Twitter about acceptable sins in the church. Check out the conversation below.


Post by Caleb Suko.

I’m excited to announce the launch of my book “What if… How to Kill Worry and Anxiety Before They Kill You!”
The official release date is August 1st 2014 but you can pre-order your copy now!

Order here
About the book
Did you know that excessive worry and anxiety can lead to real physical problems like memory loss, a weak immune system and even heart attack? Worry isn’t something you can afford to ignore, it’s dangerous and if you don’t take care of it really could kill you!
In the book Caleb takes you beyond the outward symptoms of worry to understand its root causes. He shows you that worry isn’t just an annoying personality trait. It’s a problem that must be dealt with at the heart level, the longer you let worry go on the more damage it will do in your life and the lives of those around you!
Thankfully there is a way out! Caleb doesn't offer superficial tricks or temporary fixes! These are real solutions that you can put to practice now and reap the benefits from for years to come!
This book will open your eyes to the shocking truth of what worry really is and where it comes from. It will expand your understanding of how worry destroys lives from the inside out. It will teach you to recognize worry it all it’s ugly forms and then it will give you the tools you need to kill it before it does any more damage to your life!

Order on Amazon or Read the 1st chapter here
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Besides my own book I mentioned two book by Jerry Bridges in this podcast.
The Pursuit of Holiness
Respectable Sins: Confronting the Sins We Tolerate
Question: What do you think is the biggest acceptable sin in the church today? What needs to be done to reveal it and deal with it?