Gospel Today

Gospel Today

#31 The Biggest Mistake Dads Make

June 13, 2014

Many fathers are making a big mistake when it comes to raising their children and most of them don't even know they are doing it!

In this episode of "Now is the Time" I talk about the biggest mistake that many dads, even Christian dads are making today. I also give you some helpful advice on how to avoid that mistake.

I highly recommend checking out Roland Warren's book "Bad Dads of the Bible" I just finished reading it and found it to be helpful and thought provoking for myself.
In the book Warren investigates the problems of 8 different dads from the Bible. Despite the fact that some of them where known for their relationship with God, like David, they still made a critical mistakes as fathers.
For me one of the the most convicting was the story of Eli whose sons, Hophni and Phinehas turned out so bad that God eventually takes their lives! It's sobering to think the Eli was the spiritual leader of Israel and yet he did not spiritual lead his sons!

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Question: How are you providing for your children's spiritual needs?