Gospel Today

Gospel Today

#29 A Few Great Reasons to Leave Your Church

May 16, 2014

Have you ever left your church for another church? Over 30+ years I've seen a lot of people come and go and then I've seen some of them come back again!

In this episode of Now is the Time I give you 7 great reasons to leave your church and 4 bad reasons to leave your church!

I also answer a listener question on fasting.

Listener question
Don asked: I don't completely understand the purpose of fasting. When to fast, how to fast, for how long to fast given a particular situation, etc.

Check out this post I wrote about fasting: "What's the Deal with Fasting?"
7 Great reasons to leave your church

If they don't teach the truth. Rom 16:17-18
If they don't practice the truth. 2 Tim 3:5, 2 John 1:9-10
If the church is marked by complacency and idleness. 2 Thes 3:6
If they refuse to obey clear instructions from God's Word. 2 Thes 3:14
If the leadership is characterized by divisive behavior. Tit 3:10
If your church sends you to serve somewhere else.
If you move out of the area.

4 Bad reasons to leave your church

If you don't like the music style.
If you have a conflict with another member.
Because another church has better programs.
Because you think you can worship better on your own.

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Question: What are some other good or bad reasons for leaving your church?