Gospel Today

Gospel Today

#28 Wisdom From 262 Years of Motherhood

May 09, 2014

In honor of Mother's Day I sat down with a woman who has a 262 (the combined ages of all her children) years of mothering wisdom to share!

I am talking about my mother, Nancy Suko. She is a real hero for many as a mother of 8 and a grandmother of 19 (with #20 on the way!).

If you're a mother then  need to listen to this episode of "Now is the Time" as it's full of practical and godly mothering wisdom that you can put to work with your children immediately.

If you have a mother then you also need to listen to this podcast as it will give you a great appreciation for all your mother has done for you!

Below are the questions that I asked my mother during the interview.

Why did you give all your children names from the Old Testament?
How did your mother influence your life?
Did you want to have a large family from the beginning?
What changed in your thinking between having one child and having eight children?
Do you feel like motherhood has changed you?
How did you find the time for Bible reading and prayer?
What did you do outside of mothering that you found helpful for yourself?
How were you able to be hospitable and keep your sanity?
What do you think about the ideals that many young mothers have today?
How would you describe the main task of a mother?
What are 3 problems you often see in young mothers?
How do you view your role as a grandmother and a mother-in-law?
What books do you recommend?

Below is a short history in pictures,  most have never been published before!

What does my mom recommend for mothers to read?

This Momentary Marriage by John Piper

Biography of Hudson Taylor
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Questions: How would you describe a mother's main task? What spiritual qualities did your mother teach you?