Gospel Today

Gospel Today

#24 Something Worth Dying For -Podcast

February 28, 2014

If you've never listened to any of my previous podcasts, this is the one you need to listen to!

But first let me warn you that the content that I'm going to share with you today might not be pleasant for you to hear.

It might go against everything you've been taught about Christianity.

In this episode of Now is the Time  I'm not going to give you any tips on how to improve your life.

In fact if you take to heart what I talk about today it's quite likely that just the opposite will happen!

A Worthy Death
Last week was Ukraine's 9/11! Nearly 100 people gave up their lives for a cause they believed was of more value than their life!

In this episode I go in depth about what it means to give up your life and how we often sacrifice our lives for things and ideas that are not worthy.
Episode Resources
>Not a Fan by Kyle Idleman. I just finished reading it and highly recommend it. Kyle points out how the gospel was always a call to give up all and follow  Jesus and never a call to cheer from the sidelines.

>Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis. This is a classic and if you have never read it then you need to get it right now, so stop wasting your time here and read the book!
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Questions: What are you giving up your life for right now? What do you need to change in order to give your life up for Jesus?