Gospel Today

Gospel Today

#23 How to Make Your Spouse More Attractive -Podcast

February 14, 2014

Do you sometimes wish that your spouse was more attractive? Did you know that there is something you can do about it?

In this special Valentine's episode of Now is the Time Christina and I share 9 tips of how you can make your spouse more attractive!

Sometimes people wonder why their spouse no longer attracts them, they think they "fell out of love" or that their spouse changed. As a result they find themselves attracted to other people. This may lead to emotional and/or physical adultery and end in divorce. Even if it doesn't go that far it will weaken the relationship and turn it into a joyless and loveless marriage.

What they fail to realize is that there are many things they can do to stay attracted to their spouse. Below is summary of the tips Christina and share with you in this podcast.

You'll have to listen to the podcast for the detailed explanation of each tip.
How to make your spouse more attractive -9 tips

Remember that attraction has little to nothing to do with physical beauty.
Find your greatest fulfillment outside of your spouse.
Lower your expectations.
Praise your spouse to others.
Compare your spouse to others.
Do fun activities together.
Don't try to make your spouse like yourself.
Compliment your spouse.
Support your spouse in their personal growth.

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Questions: What about your spouse attracts you? What tips can you add to this list?