Gospel Today

Gospel Today

#21 How to Find Your Spiritual Gifts -Podcast

January 24, 2014

Do you know what your spiritual gifts are?
In this episode of Now is the Time I give you four practical steps to help you find out what your spiritual gifts are! I also answer several other listener questions.

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@sukofamily how do you know what your spiritual gifts are? This is where I struggle. I don't know how to use what I don't know I have.

— Heather Wilson (@MrsIndyWilsons) January 10, 2014
4 steps to discovery your gifts
Recently I've received a lot of questions about spiritual gifts like the one above from Heather.  She is not alone many people struggle to know what their spiritual gift is and how they should use it.

There was a time in my life not so long ago when I had no idea what my spiritual gift was. I was way off course and would never have believed you if you told me today what my spiritual gift really was!

In this podcast I share with you four steps that led me to discover my spiritual gift and I believe they can also help you discover yours.
Listener questions

Nancy asked: I am interested in hearing your thoughts on the book you are currently reading, "Strange Fire," by John MacArthur. 
Lucy asked: What made you decide to ask Jesus to be your Savior? I know you were raised in a Godly home but from your heart why did you see the need. I have not heard this from you before.
Gail asked: Caleb, do you feel like a Ukrainian or an American or a mix or depends on the country you're in?
Grace asked: What is your favorite food from America and Ukraine? And do you have a good plov recipe?
Bogdan asked: How do you practically balance all that you do including social media, blogging, podcasting, preaching, traveling and being a father and husband?

Episode links

Preceptaustin: A great resource for studying spiritual gifts.

Spiritual gift testing: Try it out if you like but don't put too much stock into it.
Speaking Schedule

January 26th 8:45 am and 10:30 am Christ the Rock Community Church, Port Orchard, WA
January 26th 6:00 pm Puyallup Community Baptist Church, Puyallup, WA
January 30th Home-school co-op at Christ the Rock Church

Question: What is your spiritual gift and how did you find out it was your gift?