Gospel Today

Gospel Today

#20 Resolutions What They Reveal About You -Podcast

January 09, 2014

Your New Years resolutions might actually say more about you than you think!

In this episode of Now is the Time I talk about 4 truths that our resolutions reveal about ourselves and I focus on 2 tips that have helped me make good resolutions.

I also talk about what we've been up to over the holidays!

What resolutions reveal about you

They reveal your failures.
They reveal that you don't control everything.
They reveal that you need help.
They reveal possible idols.

Resolution tips

Attach a deeper meaning and purpose to every resolution or goal.
Attach an external reason for every internal resolution.


Resolution -Run 20 miles a week.

Purpose -I want to glorify God with my body and ensure that I am healthy enough to serve God for a long time

Resolution -Read 1 book a week.

Purpose -I want to use the mind God gave me to bless others and I can't do that if I'm not continually learning through reading.

Resolution -Spend more time with family.

Purpose -I want to lead my family towards a strong relationship with God and I can't do that if I don't spend time with them.

Don't forget
Our ultimate goal and prize is Jesus!
I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus! Philippians 3:14
Christmas Eve chalk drawing and reading

Top 10 resolutions for 2014

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Question: What have you learned from your resolutions?