Gospel Today

Gospel Today

#17 Arranged Marriages, Are They Biblical? -Podcast

November 15, 2013

No person influences your worship more than your spouse and that's why in this week's podcast I'm talking about the benefits of arranged marriages and the importance of choosing a spouse wisely!

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The problem of "falling in love"
I call it or "Cinderella theology" and it happens all the time. Couples get married simply because they "fell in love".

It's not Biblical!
It's not wise!
It's not something I want my kids to do!

If you marry someone based upon how they make you feel then you will also be tempted to leave someone based upon how they make you feel

If you "fell in-love" you can "fall out-of-love"!

Check out what Timothy Keller says about this phenomena in "The meaning of marriage"
"The in-love experience passes when the flaws in the other person come home to us. Things that seemed small and inconsequential now loom large. We begin to feel that we did not really know the person after all. And this presents us with the challenge of loving a person who, at the moment, seems in large part a stranger, not the person you remember marrying. When this happens, people respond in a number of different ways. If your purpose in marriage was to acquire a “soul mate”—a person who would not change you and would supportively help you reach your life goals—then this particular reality of marriage will be deeply disorienting. You wake up to the realization that your marriage will take a huge investment of time just to make it work. Just as distressing will be the discovery that your spouse finds you a stranger and has begun to confront you with a list of your serious shortcomings. Your first response will be to tell yourself you made a bad choice and failed to find someone truly compatible" -Timothy Keller "The meaning of marriage"
A better basis for choosing a spouse
Being "in love" is an emotional and physiological state that often comes early in a relationship brought on by a combination of hormones, imagination and romantic expectations.

Falling in love isn't wrong, it's just not a basis for marriage. If you got married because you fell in love that does...