Gospel Today

Gospel Today

#15 Demons, Death and Halloween, What You Need to Know

October 30, 2013

I don’t think that you would disagree with me that Halloween emphasizes the spirit world and in particular the dark side of the spirit world. As followers of Jesus how should we deal with this?

In this episode of Now is the Time I share with you my experience of dealing with a demon’s who were tormenting a girl in the jungles of the Amazon. I also show you what the Bible says about the spirit world and talk about the Christian’s response to Satan and demons.

Check it out, you might just be surprised!

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What does the Bible teach about the these things?

The spirit world is real

There are many references to the spirit world both the Old and New testaments. In Daniel 10:12-13 an angel came to Daniel and explained to him that he had been delayed 21 days by a spiritual battle.

Satan is real and has real power

Not only is Satan a real being but he also has great power. In Job 1 :6-12 Satan comes before God and receives permission to harm Job’s life. Satan has great power to destroy.

Peter also warns us to be alert because the devil is “prowling around like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour.” 1 Peter 5:8-9

The spiritual battle is the greatest battle

It’s vital that Christians understand that we are in a spiritual battle. The spiritual battle is the greatest battle that we will ever fight! Ephesians 6:10-12

Christians should have nothing to do with the demonic world

  • The Old Testament warned against participating in a long list of demonic activities including, sacrifices to Satan, divination, interpretation of omens, sorcery, casting spells, going to a medium, fortune teller or someone who communicates with the dead. Deuteronomy 18:10-12
  • Saul was condemned for seeking the help of a medium. 1 Chronicles 10:13
  • When people believed in the book of Acts they burned their occultic books. Acts 19:19
  • Throughout the Bible believers are called to be children of light and life as opposed to people of death and darkness. Ephesians 5:8, Romans 8:6-7

There are two equal and opposite errors into which our race can fall about the devils. One is to disbelieve in their existence. The other is to believe, and to feel and excessive and unhealthy interest in them. C.S. Lewis

Questions to ask yourself about Halloween?

  • Is my celebration teaching my children that Satan and demons are real or just fantasy?
  • Is my celebration focusing on life and light or on death and darkness?


There are two great books I mentioned in this podcast. The first is a very useful book by Chip Ingram called Invisible War, The: What Every Believer Needs to Know about Satan, Demons, and Spiritual Warfare. Chip does a good job of laying out what the Bible says about this topic and how we as Christians should respond.

The second book is a classic by C.S. Lewis called The Screwtape Letters. It is a fictional account of a demon who is communicating to his protegé through letters. Lewis has an uncanny way of understanding human nature, sin and the devils tactics to do everything possible to lead man way from God.

Question: Do you believe Satan and his demons exist? What’s your approach to Halloween?