Gospel Today

Gospel Today

#13 How to Communicate the Gospel to Your Child at Every Age Level -Podcast

October 18, 2013

Do you want your child to share your faith? Most Christian parents do but many fail! Unfortunately there is no exact formula to follow but there are some principles that every parent should be aware of.

In this episode of Now is the Time I share with you some tips on how to effectively share the Gospel with your child at every age level. I also talk about our recent travels from Ukraine to the USA.

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A Christian parent’s most important and most difficult task it is to lead his child to personal faith in Jesus. There are many pitfalls along the way, check out episode #11 for more about that!

As your child grows so does his ability to comprehend the gospel. Below are the key questions that you should help your child answer for each age level along with key ideas that need to be developed.

Who am I? 0-5 years

  • I am loved by God and my parents
  • I am a member of a family
  • I am unique
  • I am created in God’s image
  • I am dependent on others
  • I am imperfect

Who is God? 6-12 years

  • He is Creator
  • He knows me and loves me
  • He is powerful
  • He is holy
  • He is righteous and just
  • He sets the standard for living

What is my relationship with God? 13 and older

  • I can’t earn a relationship with God
  • The importance of forgiveness
  • Repentance is a personal decision of faith
  • The significance of the local church
  • The role of the Holy Spirit


I highly recommend that you check out Stop Asking Jesus into Your Heart by J.D. Greear.

While this is not a parenting book Greear does go into detail about how American Christian culture often misrepresents the true nature of the Gospel by telling people all they need to do is “repeat after me” or “ask Jesus into your heart.”

I’d love to hear what you think of the book, so let me know if you read it.

Even if you don’t read it you can use the link to buy anything you’d like on Amazon and we get a nice percentage!


Question: What tips can you share that have helped you better communicate the gospel with your children?