Gospel Today

Gospel Today

#06 Eight Fallacies about Baptism and Three Truths -Podcast

August 16, 2013

This Sunday our church will baptize 13 people and I’m excited! I’ve thought a lot about the significance of baptism as I prepare to preach.

In this episode of Now is the Time I share with you 8 fallacies about baptism.

I also talk about the importance of baptism and how we should use it in connection with making disciples.

Listen here

8 fallacies about baptism

  1. It has to be done by a pastor
  2. Candidates have to go through a class
  3. It has to be done in the church
  4. It’s not valid unless there’s full immersion
  5. It gives a person some sort of spiritual enlightenment
  6. It’s necessary for salvation
  7. It’s great for children
  8. It requires a certain form (backwards, forwards, 3x)

3 truths about baptism

  1. It needs to be connected with discipleship
  2. It should clearly identify a person with Jesus and with the church
  3. Those who have been baptized are called to make disciples themselves

We’re coming!

We are coming to the US in October. Our main purpose is to visit our supporters and share with anyone who wants to hear about what God is doing in Ukraine.

We’d love to share in your church, group or just with you! Let us know if you’d like to have us come and speak because our schedule is filling up fast!

We need your support

We are looking for people who are excited about helping strengthen and plant churches in Ukraine. You can help us by supporting our family and ministry.

Check out the giving instructions and let us know if you have any questions!

Questions: Do you agree with my 8 baptismal fallacies, can you add anything to my list of baptism fallacies?