Gospel Today

Gospel Today

#05 How to Develop an Awe of God -Podcast

July 28, 2013

What does it mean to be in “awe” of God? It’s got to be more than an emotion we feel when singing “Our God is an Awesome God”!

In this episode of Now is the Time I share about a recent storm and how it taught me about the awe of God.

A tree fallen by the storm we experienced

What is the awe of God?

Awe of God = When our theology meets our experience

Our theology informs us of who God is and our experience shows us what God is like. We need to cultivate a correct understanding of God by faithfully studying his Word. Then we must use that understanding in connection with real life.

How do we see God working in and around us?

What can we attribute to his greatness and holiness?

When we have a proper awe of God it changes everything!

  • It changes the way we behave
  • It changes the way we relate to others
  • It changes the way we worship God
  • It changes the way we do ministry
  • It changes the way we do church

You need to be in awe of God because if you’re not impressed with God it makes it too easy to be impressed with yourself!


I highly recommend reading Paul David Tripp’s book “Dangerous Calling” he writes a lot about how awe of God affects how we do ministry and how long we will last in ministry.

You can also check out Exodus 19 and Isaiah 6 and Job 40

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Questions: How would you define the awe of God? What are some other ways we can develop the awe of God in our life?