Gospel Today

Gospel Today

#03 Four Ways to Improve Your Walk -Podcast

June 29, 2013

Do you like to walk? I do! However, statistics show that most Americans don’t do nearly as much walking as they should!

In this episode of “Now is the Time” I talk about the importance of walking. What does it mean in Ephesians when the Apostle Paul tells us to “walk worthy” of our calling?

Walking in Ephesians

Paul uses the analogy of walking to communicate how God’s Word should affect every aspect of daily living.

  • Walk in good works Eph 2:10
  • Walk worthy of our calling Eph 4:1
  • Walk not as the Pagans Eph 4:17
  • Walk in love Eph 5:2
  • Walk as children of light Eph 5:8
  • Walk wisely Eph 5:15

Tips to improve our walk

If we want to improve our walk with God we must:

1. Read God’s Word and study theology

2. Use our gifts to serve others

3. Analyze our lives to make sure we are on the right path

4. Focus on strengthening relationships with others

Behavior versus theology

Behavior without theology is empty. Even if your behavior is correct, if it is not backed up by your theology it will quickly evaporate in the presence of temptation. Behavior must be rooted in theology!

Theology without appropriate behavior is even worse! This terrible practice creates proud, hypocritical, spiritually numb Christians who are far more concerned with the choice of Bible translations and positions on obscure theologies than with simply loving and serving their brothers and sisters in Christ!


  • Thanks for praying for next week’s trip to Russia, God blessed and allowed me to get my documents in order!
  • Your prayers and support are still needed for this trip. Check out how you can help here.
  • You can find this podcast on iTunes where you can easily subscribe and download.

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Questions: What other tips can you give to improve your walk with God?