Gospel Today

Gospel Today

#01 How to Develop a Hunger For God’s Word -Podcast

June 05, 2013

Do you have a hunger for God’s Word? Do you look forward to that time when you read the Bible every day? If you’re like me you probably have times when you’d rather watch TV or browse the internet than sit down and read Scripture.

This is the first episode of a podcast I’m calling “Now is the Time”. In this episode I talk about why we can struggle with a lack of desire to read God’s Word and what we can do about it.

I took this shot as Nickolas and I headed down the mountain to deliver the bread we had just obtained after visiting the shepherd’s cabin.

Check out this post for some lessons I learned on this recent family vacation.

Why do we sometimes not hunger for God’s Word?

1. We have filled our minds with junk information.
2. We don’t desire God and thus we don’t desire His Word.
3. We lack spiritual exercise.
4. We have become spiritually anorexic. 
Question: What can you do right now to increase your hunger for God’s Word?