Novel Marketing

Novel Marketing

How to Start an Author Podcast

April 06, 2020

Podcasting is one of the hottest marketing techniques for authors right now. 90% of USA Today Bestselling Authors have a Podcast Presence. In this article, you will learn how to start your own podcast and how to leverage your podcast to help you hit a bestseller list.

Why is podcasting is so hot right now for authors? 

* Podcast numbers for 2020 are at an all-time high despite a temporary dip due to the coronavirus. * Podcasting is not a fad. It is older than Facebook. * Authors have been using podcasting to get onto bestseller lists for over a decade. * Podcast listening is replacing blog reading for many readers. * Podcasts have little competition during many times of the day (car, gym, walking the dog, etc.) * Recording equipment is affordable and accessible which makes it easy to produce high-quality audio. * For around $1,200, you can purchase the exact same gear that top podcasters use. * For around $200, you can purchase equipment that is almost as good as the professional-level equipment. * Hosting a podcast is a lot of work and costs money. Because of this, podcast directories are not overcrowded with millions of other authors who podcast. There is room for you! 

Step 1: Listen to Lots of Podcasts

The only way to excel at podcasting is to become familiar with it. Start listening to lots of podcasts.

Listen to at least 100 complete episodes from at least 20 different podcasters in 5 different podcast categories. If you are looking for a good place to find a new podcast to listen to, I encourage you to check out Podchaser is a searchable database of all podcasts. Listeners and podcasters use it to find, organize, and research shows and genres.

Step 2: Pick an Audience, Niche, and Name

Choose an uncomfortably focused niche.

After you have filled that niche and produced content specifically geared to that audience, you can gradually broaden your focus. For example, Novel Marketing began as a marketing podcast for traditionally published novelists. As we’ve continued to produce content, we’ve broadened our focus to include nonfiction and indie authors.

Focus intensely on delivering content to one specific audience so that everyone in your target will say, “Yes! Finally a podcast for me!” Podcasters who focus will grow much faster than podcasters who try to please everyone.  

Pick a name for your show with an available “.com” web address.

Use to see what is available. Consumers and web users are trained to remember a web address as “.com.” While you can use other domain extensions, listeners will always type “.com” first. The easier it is to get to your website, the faster your podcast will grow.

Step 3: Choose a Show Format

The format of your show includes your topic and how you talk about it. The more podcasts you listen to, the more formats you will encounter. You are not locked into a single format. In fact, I encourage you to experiment with different formats from time to time until you find the best fit for you and your audience.

Here are some common show formats for authors: