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EPISODE 4: The Certification Process
Show Notes:
- Melissa and Jen’s experiences with pursuing Certification
- A detailed breakdown of the EMDRIA Certification Requirements: (also found on the EMDRIA website)
- Advanced Training resource: EMDRIA on demand
- Utilization of refresher course for required advanced training hours
- Why is certification worth the time and money?
- Ongoing support as you implement EMDR into your practice
- Stronger reputation in the community
- Marketing yourself as a therapist
- Gain the knowledge of application with a challenging population, disorder, or case
- Possibility of a higher reimbursement for a certified EMDR therapist
- Strengthen referrals sources for EMDR therapy
- Moves you into EMDR therapy as your specialty
- Equip you to work with more complex cases
- Develop confidence in the practice
- Approaches to Certification:
- Case consultation: discussed various cases and received guidance, support, and feedback from the consultant on how to best serve your consultant
- Certification Program: Follow a more structured approach walking through each phase of the protocol and implementing it with your client. The consultee is demonstrating their knowledge and strength in each phase.
- Proficiency demonstration: providing a video or audio recording to be viewed and evaluated by the consultant.
- Group consultation
- Individual consultation
- A strong match between the consultant and therapist is important:
- Find someone that you work well with and can identify with their approach as a therapist
- Seek out a group that will compliment and challenge you in the work that you do
- Seek a group size that you are comfortable with, not too large, not too small. Recommend group size of 3-4