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Nothing Off Limits®

Ruth Houston, Infidelity Expert, On the Subtle Signs of Cheating

February 04, 2017

As I kick off Love & Relationships Month on NOL, I’m starting with the topic of cheating, i.e. how to know if your partner is seeing someone else behind your back. Being in a relationship that seems happy is no guarantee, unfortunately.

Ruth Houston is my guest for this special episode. Ruth is an Internationally-recognized infidelity expert and the author of Is He Cheating on You? 829 Telltale Signs which documents practically every known sign of infidelity, including the subtle signs people usually overlook. Ruth has been researching infidelity for over 20 years, and her expertise encompasses both male and female infidelity. Ruth is frequently called on by the media to comment on celebrity infidelity, high profile infidelity court cases, and popular infidelity issues in the news. She has appeared as a guest on well over 500 radio and TV news and talk shows all over the world.

She has a variety of websites, including , , and

You can pick up her book on Amazon for $29.95 and her e-book (with a bonus affair recovery section) from Booklocker for $37.00, which I just did this past week. It’s an eye-opener, so get ready.

For FREE infidelity info via her email list, including tips on little-known signs of infidelity and practical advice, contact her at


Some specifics in this episode:

1. What led Ruth to becoming an expert in this area

2. Why people cheat

3. Using your intuition to know if it’s happening

4. The clusters of subtle signs of both impending and full-blown infidelity

5. Why not to solely trust the “top 10 signs of infidelity” you see on the internet

6. Cheaters lie, liars cheat - they will rarely tell the truth about it, with ONE exception

7. How to stop a possible infidelity very early on

8. Knowing what to look for in your mate - no two cheaters are exactly alike

9. Behaviors that could indicate he/she is cheating

10.The “infidelity talk”

11.Things not to do when you find out

12.Why cheating happens most during the 3-day period around Valentine’s Day and other specific times of the year

13.The best time to hire a private investigator

14.Post-Valentine’s Day signs

15.Why people should pay attention to what kind of person they choose to cheat with

16. Real-life stories of people whose cheating didn't work out well for them


In-episode ad mention:

Whether you think your partner is cheating or not, be sure to know your status.  Get checked today to be safe!  For a confidential STD Check at a discount, courtesy of NOL, visit and click on STDCheck.